Debian Buster kernel 4.19.0-5-amd64 lockups

Debian Buster kernel 4.19.0-5-amd64 lockups

I thought it was just me, but I found a few others who appear to be experiencing similar/relevant problems.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4

Though I am not using the same OS and/or hardware, they do appear to be kernel related.

I upgraded from Debian Stretch (kernel 4.9.0-9) to Debian Buster (kernel 4.19.0-5) and experienced several lockups and freezes (on both a desktop [nvidia 560 GPU] and a laptop [Built-in IntelGPU]).

  • On the desktop, I got kernel panics at boot time until I upgraded the BIOS (admittedly a very old PC, but still unexpected).
  • On the laptop I also updated BIOS, but that didn’t help.
  • A few of those lockups were triggered via FireFox+Kee – which uses Mono – I don’t know if this is relevant
  • A lot of those lockups were triggered via FireFox+KeePassXC – which uses C++ – there were less after disabling the KeePassXC add-on.
  • A few were triggered via VLC 3.0.7

I’ve reverted kernel to the 4.9.0-9 on both, and gotten back the stability which I’ve come to expect with Debian.

I don’t know if this is a kernel incompatibility with the apps mentioned, or just a kernel problem – I’ll post updates etc and welcome any comments or insight into the issue

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