Best *nix (Server)

CentOS VERY solid and stable. I have several servers that have uptime of >500days (the very few incidences of downtime were from power issues, not OS). I did get hacked a couple of times before I learned how to use iptables adequately.   Debian SOMETIMES, compatibility calls for non-CentOS. I am not a fan of…

Best *nix (Desktop/Workstation)

My objective when I started experimenting with Desktop linux, was to mimic a WinX station. I would hazard a guess that this is the most likely scenario for anyone switching away from M$-windows. If they can’t keep doing their work “productively” – they are NOT going to be interested in whether the propellor heads think…

Microsoft Windows; apps & history

Historically… (ie. I have been doing this for a while) my first programming language was FORTRAN77 using punchcards (via an archaic mainframe). my first PC was a dual floppy drive XT (8088) with DOS and Lotus123/WordStar2000. I switched to WordPerfect after WS2k trashed my ~50 page thesis (at the speed I could type, that represented…


Getting OFF Microsoft Windows (M$-win)

If you’re looking to switch, maybe start by changing your day-to-day WinX apps to the multiOS ones…get used to using those, and then you’ll be (more) comfortable when you change the underlying O/S.   I started this note/article >1 year ago – got sidetracked doing things (some of which are the point of it). It’s…