*nix script snippets that are useful/clever

For the record – these are lookups – NOT my creations. I will add more as I go #Backup & clear history DATE=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M` mv ~/.zsh_history{,.$DATE} cat /dev/null > ~/.zsh_history #HDD space (without clutter) df -h | grep -v “tmp\|udev” #send contents into a file (you need to \escape any \$variables within the CONTENTS+COMMANDS) cat

[updated] Minimalist Debian (stretch 9.x) install for lesser beings

For a while, I preferred ArchLinux as my personal Desktop Workstation. However, I found a few instances where I was not able to get certain apps to work reliably. I started looking into alternatives which would be equally light and configurable. This was where I decided against ubuntu – since it wanted to make all…

[updated:2019/04] So which *nix O/S is the right one to switch to then?

To say the very least, this is a loaded question that often sets of flaming wars and petty squabbling – neither of which are useful.   My objective is to offer some alternative to M$ for anyone who wants to learn and try new things, and escape the clutches of the proprietary BS we are…