Some useful vi keystrokes/cheatsheet

A couple of useful keystrokes for vi command mode / search (down) n=next occurance (down) ? search (up) N=next occurance (up) dd delete line(s) 5dd delete 5 line(s) u undo delete . repeat command yy copy line(s) 5yy copy 5 line(s) p paste line(s) edit mode i INSERT (mode) :r FILENAME insert contents of FILENAME…

*nix script snippets that are useful/clever

For the record – these are lookups – NOT my creations. I will add more as I go #Backup & clear history DATE=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M` mv ~/.zsh_history{,.$DATE} cat /dev/null > ~/.zsh_history #HDD space (without clutter) df -h | grep -v “tmp\|udev” #send contents into a file (you need to \escape any \$variables within the CONTENTS+COMMANDS) cat

Password Managers

Unless you think it would be wise to actually create a TXT file that lists all of your logins/usernames/passwords, and post it on a public forum or social media site like FB, you really SHOULD be using a password manager. For a brief moment (back then), I actually believed that the slight scramble on my…


A What-To/Why-To, NOT a How-To

There are literally hundreds of HOWTO’s on the net – each having good points and bad, each showing “better” ways to do things. They are incredibly useful…IF/ONCE you know what it is you’d like to achieve. What I have found though, is that by the time I know for sure what I want to achieve,…

Best *nix (Server)

CentOS VERY solid and stable. I have several servers that have uptime of >500days (the very few incidences of downtime were from power issues, not OS). I did get hacked a couple of times before I learned how to use iptables adequately.   Debian SOMETIMES, compatibility calls for non-CentOS. I am not a fan of…

Best *nix (Desktop/Workstation)

My objective when I started experimenting with Desktop linux, was to mimic a WinX station. I would hazard a guess that this is the most likely scenario for anyone switching away from M$-windows. If they can’t keep doing their work “productively” – they are NOT going to be interested in whether the propellor heads think…